China Glaze DV8

Hello everyone!

For this post I've picked beautiful holographic nail polish China Glaze DV8. On this picture I've used two coats, and on the pinkie and ring finger I've also putted Seche Vite top coat. What surprised me is that top coat haven't made holo effect weaker as I thought it would.

Let see some pictures of this beauty, first  bottle:




Do you like holo polishes?

Blog award

Hi readers!

This is special post dedicated to Blog award. I was selected for this award from Blu11 with blog Polish Drop to whom I'm sending greetings :)

Sunshine award

The rules are:
1. Save the image above and post it on your own blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees
4. Let nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.

Happy 101 award

The rules are:
1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment

Bloggers list for both awards:
1. Polish Drop
2. Parokeets
3. Stella gloss blog
4. Beauty Addict
5. Šminkerica
6. 1, 2, 3...sTyLe!
7. Catty Beauty Blog
8. Nails for fun
9. Ivana*
10. Nails by Lunatica
11. Sanje so večne
12. PsychFairy

10 things I like (no particular order, except first):
1. my family
2. my lover
3. my friends
4. my followers
5. nail polishes
6. flowers
7. animals
8. good movies
9. music
10. food

OPI Yoga-ta get this blue

Hi dear readers!

If you came from swimming holiday, but still want to keep some of that feeling wear this polish. OPI Yoga-ta get this blue is beautiful blue shade. Deep and enchanting it will get you in the right mood for daydreaming about holidays :)

Pictures taken in the sun:


In the shadow:


After I mattified it with Essie Matte About You:


I also putted Urban Decay Trance over it, and it reminded me of starry night:

Hope you liked it!