Bell - 414 in Dark Brown


Today I'm bringing you a brown shade made by Bell.


Danas vam donosim jednu jesenju smeđu nijansu u izvedbi Bella.

This brown gravitates toward black a lot. In the pictures is a manicure with two coats of polish, which is nice to apply and opaque, like most of dark coloured nail polishes. However, this plain bored me soon so I upgraded it with white stamps that I'm going to show to you in my next blog post.

Bell polishes were available only in Refan when they stopped being sold. However, starting this year, Bell's collections of decorative cosmetics can be found in Kozmo. Their prices are quite affordable and if that's something you take into account, I suggest you see what they have to offer.

Ova smeđa dosta naginje ka crnoj. Na slikama je manikura sa dva sloja laka, koji je bio dobre mazivosti i neproziran, kao i većina lakova tamne boje. No ovako običan mi je ubrzo dojadio pa sam ga nadogradila bijelim pečatiranjem koje ću vam pokazati u sljedećem postu.

Bell lakovi su bili dostupni samo u Refanu kad su ih povukli prošle godine. No od ove godine možete Bell kolekciju dekorativne kozmetike naći u Kozmu. Cijenom su dosta pristupačni pa ako vam je to uvjet, pogledajte što se nudi.


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