China Glaze Ruby Pumps

In this post I will show you one of the red polishes that sweeps most girls off their feet :D

The polish that would even suit Red carpet is China Glaze Ruby Pumps.

It has a great application, but for a beautiful color I recommend two layers.
The feeling that you have watching at the nails that are done with this manicure is that you are looking into deep red color with stars coming out of red sky... Gorgeous and definitely one of my favorite polishes! Enough talking, let's see some pictures :)

Outdoors (in the direct sun):

Indoors it gets warmer tone:

I will put more close up pictures than usual, because this is really the color that is worth it ^^

So what is your favorite red? How do you like this one?

Greetings! :)


  1. joj, ne mogu vjerovat da je još nemam :-(
    ruby je stvarno fantastična :-D

  2. na wishlisti svakako, jednom cu ga i kupit :)

  3. @Taya - thank you! :)

    @nail crazy & Lendoxia - Hvala vam cure! Ako još uvijek nemate ovaj lak zaista preporučujem da ga kupite. Nijedna kolekcija nije potpuna bez njega :D

  4. Stvarno je prekrasan.

  5. @Gejba - Hvala ti :)

    I niste mi nijedna rekla koja vam je najdraža nijansa crvene? ;)

  6. Divan je! I ja ga moram nabaviti :)

  7. Svakako preporučam ;)

  8. Shiny and adorable, perfect color and really suits my personality. :)


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