If you are into nice light shades, you might be interested in this one. Misslyn Vanilla cream is shade suitable for every occasion, and for every age. I highly recommend it even for beautiful touch in french manicures, in one layer.
Ako volite svjetlije nijanse, mogli bi biti zainteresirani i za ovu. Misslyn Vanilla cream je nijansa pogodna za svaku priliku i svaku životnu dob. Preporučujem također jedan sloj ovog laka preko francuske manikure kako bi ju dodatno naglasili.
If you care to see other Misslyn polish reviews, please check here.
Ostale recenzije Misslyn lakova možete pronaći ovdje.
This is quite sheer shade, even in multiple layers. Also, it does leave some stripes when layering, so the application isn't that great. If you own pearl shades, that shouldn't be any news, since almost all pearl shades I've worked with are at least a bit difficult to work with.
Lak je po prirodi ponešto transparentan. čak i s više slojeva. Također, ostavlja i ponešto crtica dok se nanosi. No ako posjedujete sedefaste lakove, to vam sigurno nije novost. Svi sedefasti lakovi koje ja posjedujem su bar malo teški za nanošenje.
With flash /S blicom:
Do you have pearl shade that doesn't troubles you?
Imate li vi neku sedefastu nijansu koja vam ne stvara probleme?
ja osobno MRZIM sedefaste lakove, a moja mama ih obožava....
ReplyDeleteI koji je najdraži sedefasti tvojoj mami? Ja volim lakove rasnih finisha, pa sam u jednu ruku po tom pitanju tradicionalna, a u drugu moderna :)
DeleteI think this is a color everyone needs, a nice light subtle shade. I like these colors because when they chip they don't look so horrific lol.
I couldn't agree more, when I don't have enough time I also wear lighter shades because of possible chipping :)
DeleteI love subtle colors.. It's beautiful when you want to make a french manicure.
ReplyDeleteYes, I also recommend this one for french mani.