Avon Teal Glitter

Late last year, somewhat before Christmas, Avon's polish line Stardust came out. All seven shades have textured finish. Let's not throw words around; they're sandy and since they came out, a lot of reviews are written. I've watched swatches of all shades for a while and thought whether I need any. Thinking lasted even longer because, since I'm a Golden Rose Holiday collection fan, I've had almost all shades, and the fact that Avon is somewhat of an unknown turf when it comes to polishes didn't help. In the end I decided to buy Teal Glitter since there's nothing similar in Holiday collection so I wanted to see what's it all about. Luckily for me, I caught the last train because these polishes were available only in Christmastime and are not available now. :(

Pred kraj prošle godine, tamno negdje u predbožićno vrijeme, izašla je Avonova linija lakova za nokte Stardust. Svih 7 nijansi koliko linija broji, su lakovi teksturnog finisha. Da se ne razbacujemo, radi se o popularnim sandićima i otkako su izašli, napisane su brojne recenzije. Dugo sam promatrala swatcheve svih nijansi i premišljala se treba li mi koja od njih. To se premišljanje odužilo jer, kako sam veliki obožavatelj Golden Rose Holiday kolekcije, gotovo sve nijanse na neki način 'pokrivam', a i činjenica da mi je Avon po pitanju lakova za nokte dosta nepoznat teren, nije pomagala. Na kraju sam se ipak odlučila za kupovinu nijanse Teal Glitter jer sam uvidjela da u Holiday kolekciji nema ništa slično pa da vidimo o čemu se radi. Sva sreća pa sam uhvatila 'zadnji vlak' jer je ispalo da su ovi lakovi bili dostupni samo u to predbožićno vrijeme i više ih nema. :(

Avon Teal glitter
(in shade)/(u hladovini)

As I've already said, the shade I caught is Teal Glitter. It's a beautiful sea blue base with bunch of blue and green glitter and a little less golden glitter. The whole glitter cocktail nicely shimmers in the light - artificial and sunlight. What's quite remarkable is that the polish seems a bit darker in the sun then in the shade, something I didn't notice with other nail polishes. I can't proclaim it to be a single layer polish tough it's really nicely pigmented. I'd still recommend a double coat of polish. That's what I'm wearing in the photos. Among other things that made me enthusiastic is the brush in this polish. It's classic, but still wider than the one in OPIs and makes applying polish unbelievable easy. It clings to nail and cuticle so smoothly that you'll get the perfect nail arch in the bottom of the nail without a need to clean or smooth something. Usually I’m a real "Nazi" when it comes to tidiness, but I didn't clean anything here. I did prepare a brush and acetone, but I didn't need them. And another top thing: the polish lasts really long. Usually I'm not the measure you could judge durability of the polish by, since I change manicure after four days so most of the polishes doesn't get to chip by then. However, the polish is on my nails fifth day in a row and on top of that, last night I was really nervous so I picked around my face pretty much everything that could be picked and polish is still there and intact. Well done Avon!

Kao što sam već rekla, nijansa koju sam upecala je Teal glitter. Radi se o prekrasnoj morsko-plavoj bazi s pregršt sitnog glittera plave i zelene boje, te nešto manje zastupljenog zlatnog glittera. Cijeli taj kokteličić glittera se lijepo presijava pod svjetlom što umjetnim, što sunčevim. Ono što mi je čak nevjerojatno je to da lakić na suncu djeluje nešto tamnije, nego u hladovini što nisam doživjela s nekim drugim lakovima za nokte. Ne mogu reći da je jednoslojac iako je stvarno izvrsno pigmentiran. Ipak bih preporučila nanos u dva sloja. Toliko imam i ja na fotkama. Među drugim stvarima koje su me oduševile je i četkica ovog laka. Klasična je, ali ipak mrvicu šira od one OPIjevske te lakiranje čini nevjerojatno jednostavnim. Tako nekako pravilno prianja uz nokat i kožicu da ćete dobiti savršeni luk u dnu nokta bez da naknadno nešto treba čistiti ili poravnavati. Inače sam uistinu nazi po urednosti na entu, ali ovdje nisam ništa čistila. Uredno sam si pripremila kistić i aceton, ali nije bilo potrebe. I još je jedna vrhunska stvar: taj lak traje i traje. Obično nisam mjerilo za trajnost laka jer nakon 4 dana manikuru skidam pa se većina njih ne stigne išchippati, međutim, evo lak mi na noktima stoji već 5. dan jer jednostavno nisam imala vremena, a sinoć sam još uz to bila ekstra nervozna pa sam kopala po glavi i faci sve što se kopat dalo, a lak je još tu i to netaknut. Svaka čast!

Avon Teal Glitter
(na suncu)

So, let me compare the polish with my favorite Golden Rose Holiday collection. It's about the same when it comes to application. They have similar texture only GR has bigger shimmer particles and so it can seem to be more complicated to apply, but it isn't. They both have supreme brush. Maybe I like Avon's a bit more because I'm crazy about it at the moment, but Holyday's brush makes a nice arch and doesn't make additional mess too. When it comes to durability, Avon is my choice. In Holiday's I have chipped corner of my rectangle nails sometimes. What tides them up is the general feeling. I think the Holiday's win but that's purely subjective. I like Holidays because of their bigger and smaller glitter particles combo so with sand I get a disco ball too. :) Golden Rose has also bigger shade palette, but that's completely different pair of shoes.

Pa sad evo da ga usporedim sa svojom omiljenom Golden Rose Holiday kolekcijom. Po mazivosti su tu negdje. Tekstura im je vrlo slična, samo što GR ima krupnije glittere pa se može učiniti da je kompliciraniji za nanos, međutim nije. Četkica je vrhunska kod oba. Možda bih mrvičnu prednost dala Avonu jer sam trenutno zaluđena, ali i Holidayeva četkica fino tvori luk i ne radi dodatan nered. Što se trajnosti tiče, prednost dajem Avonu. Kod Holidayića mi se ipak dogodi tu i tamo da se mrvicu otkrhne komadić laka sa ćoška moje kockice. Ono što na kraju izjednačava obje linije lakova je dojam na kraju. Mislim da po tom pitanju Holidayići definitivno odnose pobjedu, ali ovo je vrlo subjektivno. Osobno su mi Holidayići bolji zato što imaju kombinaciju krupnijeg i sitnijeg glittera pa onda uz sandić dobijem i disco kuglu. :) E sad definitivno u korist Golden Roseu ide i to što imaju daleko veći spektar nijansi, ali to je već drugi par rukavica.

Which line do you prefer? Did you try the Stardust polishes?

:* until next post!

Koja je vama linija bolja? Jeste li probali Avon Stardust lakove?

:* do sljedećeg posta!

1 comment:

  1. Steta sto nisu dio stalne kolekcije, meni je avon nedostupan, pa sam ostala uskracena za ove ljepotane. Ovaj vristi ljeto!


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