Nail art - Bell in Brown upgrade with White


This is nail art I promised you in previous blog post. When you get bored with classic manicure, a bit of nail art in contrast color makes wonders.


ovo je nail art koji sam vam obećala u prethodnom postu. Kad vam dojadi klasična manikura, malo nail arta u kontrasnoj boji radi čuda.

For nail art I used no name stamping white polish from e-bay and MoYou plate Pro Collection XL - 07. There are some inaccuracies visible on the picture, but the manicure was totally effective live. I hope you like it too.

Za nail art sam koristila no name bijeli lak za pečatiranje s e-baya i MoYou pločicu Pro Collection XL - 07. Na slikama se vide neke nepravilnosti, ali uživo je manikura bila totalno efektna. Nadam se da se i vama dopada.



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