Rimmel Space dust

For a long time trend of sand polishes was uninteresting to me. Everybody followed that trend, but I saw it as abstract and not so pretty, but finally I stopped resisting. Like every other polish addict I took anything that would justify the purchase of polish, in this case What everybody else is doing... I guess everybody have reasons why they are mad for sand polishes. So it started ... First I bought Essence sand polishes because they are the cheapest to see what it really is and it was love at first sight.

Dugo mi je trend hrapavaca/sandića bio totalno bezvezan. Svi su ih furali, a meni je to bilo toliko apstraktno i pomalo neugledno, ali opiranje je na kraju posustalo. Kao i svaka druga lakoholičarka vodila sam se bilo čime što bi opravdalo kupovinu lakića, u ovom slučaju onom: 'Kud' svi tu i mali Mujo...', ta valjda ti svi imaju razloga zašto su ludi za sandićima. Tako je krenulo... Prvo sam kupila Essenceove sandiće jer su najjeftiniji da vidim što je to ustvari i dogodila se ljubav na prvo mazanje.

In the meantime, I have accumulated a fine collection of sand polishes in different brands. I even have a favorite . :D I grew to love them for many reasons: they are applying a lot easier than regular polishes in the sense that it does not leave a mess behind, they make longer-lasting manicure and they are more distinct and interesting. Also there is that rough effect that amuses me and I find myself crawling my nails! :D The only downside is that these polishes are that they are little problematic to pull off, but proven method that removes even glitter polishes solves that problem. My favorite san polishes are those from Golden Rose Holiday collection because they have a lot of wonderful shades with different glitter and generally I have no objection: durability, brush, bottle... Everything is great, but recently I stumbled on Rimmel sands from Space dust collection and I want to share with you my excitement.

U međuvremenu sam nakupila onako jednu finu zbirku sandića različitih brendova. Čak imam i omiljene. :D Zavoljela sam ih iz više razloga: mažu se puno lakše od običnih lakića u smislu da ne ostavljaju nered za sobom, dugotrajniji su, manikura je posebnija i zanimljivija, a tu je i taj hrapavi efekt koji me zabavlja pa se uhvatim kako mazim nokte! :D Jedina mana ovih lakića je ta što su malo problematični za skinuti, ali oprobana metoda s folijom sve rješava. Inače su mi omiljeni sandići oni iz Golden rose Holiday kolekcije jer imaju puno divnih nijansi s različitim glitterom a i generalno nemam nikakvu zamjerku: mazivost, trajnost, četkica, bočica... Sve mi je extra, no nedavno sam naletjela i na Rimmelove hrapavce iz Space dust kolekcije pa da s vama podijelim svoje oduševljenje.

Moonwalking is cold purple full of thick round silver glitter. According to my humble opinion this Rimmel can go as dupe for OPI Can not let go that had long been on my WL. Ever since I discovered this miracle of polish, I forgot about OPI-s. Application is very simple despite the big glitter particles. The brush is wider and flat like all other Rimmel polishes and is very functional. For good coverage this polish needs two coats except that after the first it seams somehow robust and unevenly, but that should not discourage you because the second layer works wonders. : D
Moonwalking je hladna ljubičasta puna krupnijeg okruglog srebrnog glittera. Prema nekom mom skromnom mišljenju komotno može proći kao dupe za OPI Can't let go koji mi je dugo bio na WL. Otkako sam otkrila ovo čudo od lakića, OPIja sam zaboravila. Maže se vrlo jednostavno unatoč krupnom glitteru. Četkica je nešto šira i plosnata kao i kod svih drugih Rimmelovih lakića te je vrlo funkcionalna. Za prekrivanje je lakiću potrebno 2 sloja s tim da nakon prvog djeluje nekako robusno i neravnomjerno nanseno, no to ne treba obeshrabriti jer već drugi sloj čuda čini. :D

Aurora is a very special color. It is a combination of rosy, gold and champagne colors with many large and small silver glitter that really makes a difference. Depending on the angle lights turn on the colors, some of them are more vivid than the others. In a shade gold prevails, at the external polish seams light pinkish, and at night under artificial light champagne color is the strongest. Polish has the same characteristics as Rimmel Moonwalking.
Aurora je bojom baš posebna. Radi se o kombinaciji roskaste, zlatne i boje šampanjca s mnogo krupnog i sitnog srebrnog glittera koji baš jako dolazi do izražaja. Ovisno o osvjetljenju ove boje u kombinaciji dolaze do izražaja. Na zatvorenome zlatna prevladava, na vanjskom svjetlu roskasta, a noću pod umjetnim osvjetljenjem boja šampanjca. Što se tiče karakteristika lakića, iste su kao kod Moonwalkinga. Mazivost je izvrsna kao i četkica. 2 su sloja sasvim dovoljna i tu nakon prvog malo gledate i čudom se čudite, a nakon drugog piljite u tu ljepotu. :D

I remained entranced by this polish. I can not say that I like them better than Golden Rose Holiday because this is a different line. Space dust gives the impression that the sand has a stronger effect, but that's only because there have a lot bigger glitter. Personally I have both brands and I think they are equally good although I will always give precedence to Golden Rose. The first love always remains. : D But what gives the advantage to Rimmel Sand the price of 4,5$ as opposed to the Golden Rose which cost us so rudely 6$, while in Bosnia you can find them for just 3$.
Ja sam ostala oduševljena ovim lakićima. Ne mogu reći da su mi draži od Golden rose Holidayića jer je ovo drugačija linija. Space dust daje dojam kao da ima jači sand efekt, ali to je samo zato što ima dosta krupniji glitter. Osobno su mi oba brenda po pitanju sandića podjednako dobra iako prednost uvijek dajem Golden roseu. Prva ljubav uvijek ostaje. :D Međutim ono što daje prednost Rimmelovim sandićima je cijena od 26 kn za razliku od Golden rosea čija je cijena kod nas tako bezobrazno napuhana na 35 kn, dok su u susjednoj nam Bosni samo 16 kn.

Have you worn Rimmelovu Space Dust line? Is it better to you than Golden Rose Holiday collection?
* To the next post!

Jeste li vi nosili Rimmelovu Space dust liniju? Jesu li vam bolji od Golden rose Holiday kolekcije?

:* do sljedećeg posta!


  1. Moonwalking je savrsen! Nadam se da cu naletjeti negdje na njega :)

  2. Ajmee, ne znam koji mi je ljepši :)


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