Misslyn nail stickers

Hi dears!
This was really an strenuous week for me, but I've chosen to spend some part of weekend to present you something I've never did before - nail stickers. There are two of them Misslyn Network 52 and Misslyn Stars 55. On detailed pictures you can see me wearing Misslyn Network that I must say reminds me of nylon socks over Color Club Poker face.

Pozdrav drage moje!
Ovo mi je bio ekstremno zauzet tjedan, no odlučila sam odvojiti dio vikenda da vam prezentiram nešto što do sada još nisam - naljepnice za nokte. Radi se o Misslyn Network 52 i Misslyn Stars 55. Na detaljnijim slikama vidite Misslyn Network naljepnice koje me podsjećaju na mrežaste čarape preko laka Color Club Poker face.

In one packaging you get 20 stickers what is probably ment for one manicure, since you need to choose right size for each of your nails. Also, with "leftovers" you can play and cut them into smaller pieces and put only one part of sticker over your nail, leaving other part only decorated with base nail polish.

Material is like thicker nail polish, just dried. It is more resilient than dry polish, but it can be torn on pattern edges so be gentle. Also, don't think there is something between this net pattern, that space is completely empty before you put it on your nail :)

U jednom pakiranju dobijete 20 naljepnica što bih rekla da je dovoljno taman za jednu manikuru, obzirom da za svaki nokat trebate odabrati pravu veličinu. Sa "ostacima" se možete poigrati i odrezati ih kako želite pa komade polijepiti po noktima kako bi stvorili još zanimljiviju manikuru. U mom slučaju, druga ruka je izgledala kao da sam na nokte navukla mrežaste čarape, samo podrapane :D

Materijal naljepnica bih opisala kao osušeni lak u debljem sloju, samo što je nekako otpornije prirode. To ne znači da možete biti grube s time, jer se na spojevima može potrgati ako se pristupa s nepažnjom. Također, između ove crne mreže naljepnica ne postoji ništa, samo zrakoprazni prostor kako bi to jedna moja bivša profesorica rekla :)

Effect that you gain with this manicure is similar as with embossed pattern konadicure, but much easier, neater and with less cleaning afterwards :D
Procedure is as follows:
  1. Polish your nails with color that makes nice contrast with the stickers.
  2. After you polish has dried completely, take out stickers from the box.
  3. Choose sticker that has appropriate size for your nail and detach it gently. I would recommend tweezers for that, although you can do it with your nails/fingers.
  4. Put sticker on your nail.
  5. With nail file remove nail sticker excess from your nail.
  6. Finish with two coats of top coat, as it is little bit thicker so you would protect it's 3D nature.
Efekt koji dobijete s naljepnicama je kao kad napravite konadikuru s nekim reljefnim uzorkom, samo uz puno manje muke, urednije i s manje čišćenja poslije (tu mislim prvenstveno na kožicu noktiju koja ovdje ostane u perfektnom stanju :)
Evo i procedure:
  1. Nalakirajte nokte. Preporučujem neku boju koja će dati lijepi kontrast naljepnicama.
  2. Nakon što vam se lak osušio, izvadite naljepnice.
  3. Odaberite naljepnicu koja veličinom odgovara vašem noktu i nježno je odvojite. Ovaj korak sam radila s pincetom, no možete naljepnicu odvojiti i s noktima/prstima, neće joj ništa biti.
  4. Stavite naljepnicu na nokat.
  5. S rašpicom za nokte uklonite višak naljepnice.
  6. Završite s dva sloja top coata, da bi zaštitili prirodu svojih 3D naljepnica popunjavajući praznine na noktu.

Have you tried nail stickers? How do you fancy them?
Jeste li vi probale naljepnice za nokte? Kako ste zadovoljne time?

*PR sample *PR uzorak



  1. That looks nice, it reminds of me fishnets lol. It looks simple enough for even me to try :)


    1. Thank you Erica!
      I definitely think you should try it, it is much easier than conadicure, yet same great effect!
      Let me know how will it go after you try it :)

  2. What cute looks this manicure :)

  3. The result is flawless, I'm impressed!


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