Nail Art - Moon Phases


So today I went ahead and did a manicure I wanted to do for a very long time but never had the "courage" to try it since it is a bit demanding. I am not as happy with the results as I wanted and expected to be but I did do quite well. It's the moon phase manicure and I've seen a few pictures of this online but there are not as many as for other types of manicures.

For this I used:
  • Eveline 8 in 1 Base Coat
  • OPI Black Onyx
  • Sinful Colors Snow White
  • Nars Night Flight
  • a small piece of a sponge
  • a toothpick 
  • Seche Vite Top Coat
I started off with the base coat and did 2 coats of OPI Black Onyx on each finger except the pinky finger which I covered with 2 coats of Nars Night Flight. After it dried I took a toothpick and dipped it into Sinful Colors Snow White and made the white shapes of the moon. I mixed together Black Onyx and Snow White (1:1). With the help of some tweezers I dipped the tiny piece of sponge into it and started basically blending the edges of the moon shapes into the black. After it dried I applied my top coat and Voila! Done. Hope you like it. :)


Evo danas sam skupila dovoljno hrabrosti da napravim ovu manikuru koju sam već dulje vrijeme htjela isprobati, međutim činila se prezahtijevna. Nisam pretjerano sretna s rezultatima kao što sam htjela i očekivala da ću biti, ali uspijelo mi je kolko-tolko. Riječ je o mjesečevim fazama. Vidjela sam nekoliko slika na netu, ali ih ima jako malo u usporedbi s ostalim manikurama.

Koristila sam:

  • Eveline 8 u 1 podlak
  • OPI Black Onyx
  • Sinful Colors Snow White
  • Nars Night Flight
  • mali komadić spužve
  • čačkalicu
  • Seche Vite nadlak
Prvo sam nalakirala 2 sloja OPI Black Onyx-a na svaki nokat osim na malom prstu na kojemu sam nalakirala 2 sloja Nars Night Flight-a. Nakon što se sve posušilo, čačkalicom, koju sam umočila u Snow White, sam napravila oblike mjeseca. Zatim sam u omjeru 1:1 pomiješala par kapi Black Onyx-a i Snow White. Uz pomoć pincete sam prihvatila komadić spužve te umočila u dobivenu boju i nanijela na rubove oblika mjeseca. Nakon što se dobro posušilo, prelakirala sam Seche Vite nadlakom i Voila! Gotovo. Nadam se da vam se sviđa. :)


  1. ludo, baš mi se sviđa :D

  2. Odlična ideja :D
    Nadam se da ćeš staviti i onu sa sekom, ultra fora mi je ^^

  3. Odlicno izgleda, na slici sa floydima u pozadini pogotovo :D

  4. ej, koja fora... bravo, vjerujem da je trebalo puno strpljenja :))))


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