Golden Rose 58 in Rose


Golden Rose is very well known brand in the Balkans, and for a very good reason too. There are many collections, with new ones coming often, and the choice of colors and make up is excellent and not too expensive. In this post you'll read a review of a polish from Golden Rose Paris collection.


Golden Rose je na prostoru Balkana vrlo poznata marka, a za to postoji i vrlo dobar razlog. Naime, ima puno kolekcija, često dolaze nove kolekcije u tu brojku, a i izbor boja i vrsta kozmetike je odličan te ne košta previše. U ovom postu vidjet ćete recenziju laka iz Golden Rose Paris kolekcije.

Some time ago I did a review of a jelly polish from GR Paris collection here, and I've got similar complaint for this polish also - it's impossible to get opaque manicure with this polish. However, if you ignore that, or even if you see it as a good thing because of sandwich manicures there are no objections to the rest. The colors are beautiful, it's easy to apply and even a quick dry. In this case it's about a pink shade with a lot of pink shimmer, which makes it feminine and girlish at the same time.

Prije nekog vremena napravila sam recenziju jednog jelly laka iz GR Paris kolekcije ovdje, i imam sličnu zamjerku kao i za ovaj lak - nemoguće je dobiti neprozirnu manikuru samo s tim lakom. No, ako to zanemarite, ili čak i gledate kao pozitivno jer možete raditi sandwich manikure, na ostalo nemam zamjerki. Boje su lijepe, mazivost je dobra i čak se brzo suši. U ovom slučaju riječ je o ružičasto rozoj nijansi sa hrpom rozog šimera, što je u kombinaciji istovremeno i ženstveno i girly.

Would this polish be acceptable in your stash or is it a must for you to be opaque?

Da li bi ovaj lak mogao proći kod vas ili vam je "must" da lak može biti neproziran?


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