Golden rose - 86

I know that it is winter, so to remind you of what is coming next I'm bringing you this beautiful spring green shade - Golden rose - 86. It's almost neon, pastel green cream color. Very smooth and shiny.
I must make a remark about it's transparency, here I put 4 coats, and I could still see my nail tips...

  • one layer Eveline miracle growth for a base coat
  • 4 coats of Golden rose 86, Paris collection
  • Seche Vite as a top coat

Bottle is beautiful, really in Paris mode :)

With flash:

I love colors of golden rose polishes, to bad they are so transparent. How do you like them?


  1. Imam taj lak ali ga ni jednom nisam stavila jer mu treba 10 (bukvalno) slojeva da boja bude kao u bočici.

  2. I meni su ovdje trebala 4 sloja i još nisam bila zadovoljna.
    Mislim da bi bio puno bolji učinak da sam prvo stavila neki bijeli ili svijetlo zeleni ispod :)

  3. Lep je, steta sto treba toliko slojeva.
    I da, nije putted nego put :)

  4. Hvala na komentaru, konstruktivne kritike su uvijek dobrodošle


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