Revlon - African Tea Rose


Here we still got lovely, spring-a-like weather so I use this opportunity to show you yet another lovely spring shade.


Ovdje je još uvijek divno, upravo proljetno vrijeme pa vam ponovo donosim i takav lak.

When scented polishes hit the peek of their popularity, Revlon came out with Parfumerie collection. It consists of beautiful parfumed polishes. I own 3 of these shades, each with it's own, special flower scent. How it smels is probably quite well read in the name of the shade. Package is also interesting, especially the ball cap. I actually like all aspects of this polish, and I do recommend that you try to own at least one scented polish (doesn't have to be this brand). It's interesting, although a bit strange, to smell your nails every once in a while :)

Kad su mirisni lakovi bili na vrhu popularnosti, Revlon je izbacio svoju kolekciju Parfumerie lakova. Radi se o prekrasnim nijansama koje još ljepše mirišu. U posjedu imam 3 komada, i svaki miriše na svoj cvijet. Pakirani su također u specifične bočice, s kuglicom na vrhu četkice, kao što vidite na slici. Zadovoljna sam svim aspektima laka i preporučila bih da si priuštite bar jedan mirisni lak, ukoliko dođete u mogućnost. Zanimljivo je, no i pomalo neobično, imati nokte koje imate potrebnu redovno pomirisati :)


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