S-he – 471 in Silver

This is another shade from previous collection of She polishes. It is very beautiful metallic silver color with a touch of baby blue in it.

Evo još jedne recenzije She laka iz prethodne kolekcije. Boja je prekrasna metalik srebrna sa mrvu svijetlo plave.

Polish is from lower level brand, but it was easy to apply and was very pigmented. And the color is beautiful :)

Lak je iz "niže klase", ali za tu cijenu je odličan. Naime, bilo ga je lako za nanijeti i vrlo sam zadovoljna i pigmentacijom. A i boja je prekrasna :)

Only problem was that it leaves strokes. But they are not very visible IRL, maybe with more patience with polishing I could even avoid them.

Jedini problem koji sam imala je taj što je ostavljao crte. Ali nisu jako izražene, možda sa strpljivijim nanošenjem ih ne bi ni bilo.


  1. aaaa na ovog nisam nikad obratila pažnju, baš je dobar :D

  2. Drago mi je da vam se sviđa :) Uživo je još ljepši ^^

  3. Baš je lep, srebrni nokti su uvek in :)

  4. Very beautiful color!


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