Apstrakcija na noktima / Abstract art on nails

My dears, right from the start... Yes, I've hidden my face in shame and went on a guilt trip! I've truly been gone for long! I've had series of days that I haven't been able to start the computer. I'd applied polish to my nails once a week and watch it chip. When that was over, it's like I've lost my touch. I just couldn't do a manicure that I was satisfied with, and my nails went wild. Usually with april started my laments for my nails, but this year it started a lot earlier. Actually, it's as if the period od healthy nails wasn't there at all... :/ Splitting wasn't so bad, but peeling... :O Awful! It all ended up with short and rounded nails that I just couldn't get accustomed to.

Now I don't mind! :D They are what they are, I'll continue to press hard on them! :D

Dragi moji, odmah na početku... Da, pokrila sam se ušima i sakrila sam se u mišju rupu! Uistinu me dugo nije bilo! Imala sam period u kojem je bilo dana kada računalo nisam stigla niti upaliti, nokte bih nalakirala jednom tjedno i onda gledala kako se lak chippa. Kada je to prošlo, kao da sam iz štosa ispala. Nikako nisam uspjevala složiti manikuru kojom bih bila sasvim zadovoljna, a i nokti su podivljali. Obično bi početkom travnja počele moje jadikovke po noktima, ali ove su godine počele puno ranije. Zapravo, kao da perioda zdravih noktiju nije ni bilo... :/ S pucanjem još nekako, ali koje listanje... :O Prestrašno! Sve je rezultiralo ultrakratkim i zaobljenim noktima s kojima se nikako nisam mogla suživjeti.

Sad me više ne dira! :D Kakvi su da su, ja ću ih peglati! :D

Today I've got a manicure for you that I'm quite satisfied with. Too bad I haven't got more space to maneuver around, but I find it cute just the same.

Danas za vas imam jednu manikuru kojom sam prilično zadovoljna. Šteta što nema malo više prostora za manevar, ali i ovako mi je vrlo simpatično.

I used:

  • Eveline Diamond hard nail polish base
  • Golden rose Rich colors 102 (2 coats))
  • Maybelline Colorshow Polka dots Chalk dust (1 coat)
  • Micropore scotch tape
  • Eveline Color Instant 192
  • Aura Jelly TC

Koristila sam:

  • Eveline Diamond hard baza za nokte
  • Golden rose Rich colors 102 (2 sloja)
  • Maybelline Colorshow Polka dots Chalk dust (1 sloj)
  • Micropore samoljepljiva vrpca
  • Eveline Color Instant 192
  • Aura Jelly TC

The process is quite simple, but a bit lingering. I admire girls that work with scotch tape and are quickly done. Waiting makes me mad, I don't have the habit of applying quick drying TC before the manicure is completely done, and if it's not fully dried, scotch tape ruins base polish no mater how much I taped it to my skin beforehand to weaken it. I solved that problem by doing the base coats the night before. What's safe, it's safe. :)

Proces je prilično jednostavan, ali mrvicu pimplav. Divim se curkama koje rade sa samoljepljivom vrpcom i budu brzo gotove. Izluđuje me čekanje, brzosušeći TC nemam naviku stavljat prije nego je manikura sasvim gotova, a ako nije baš ful suho, samoljepljiva vrpca uništi bazni lak koliko god ju prije toga zalijepila za kožu da je 'oslabim'. Tom sam problemu doskočila tako što sada, kada planiram raditi nešto s vrpcom, bazu odradim večer ranije. Što je sigurno sigurno je. :)

With hope that my nails will soon grow, I'm saying goodbye till the next time! :*

S nadom da će nokti brzo narasti, pozdravljam vas do sljedećeg puta! :*

1 comment:

  1. Mitrochka, meni su tvoje manikure uvijek prekrasne i nemoj ih prestati raditi bez obzira u kakvom su ti stanju nokti :)

    I slatka si s kratkim noktićima ^^


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