Moment Fluor 03 in Neon Pink


I don't know can you feel how close the summer is, but I certainly do. That's why today I choose to review a neon colored polish I bought at Offertissima.


Ne znam osjećate li vi koliko je ljeto blizu, ali ja svakako da. I zato sam u skladu s time odabrala za danas recenziju jednog neonca kupljenog u Offertissimi.

Moment polishes, with their price of just more than a euro are quite affordable Spanish brand. Some time ago I reviewed a blue one with kind of a metallic finish. You can see it at this link. For the price I paid, I was quite content and the story is the same with this one.

You've probably noticed that my ring finger has a bit different color. That's because there is a coat of white polish underneath and a coat of Moment Fluor 03 on top of it. In single layer the texture is not perfect so for the perfectly vibrant neon shade effect I recommend a double coat of polish. The rest of nail has four thin coats of polish but you can still see the tip of the nail which is inevitable with this kind of polish. That actually means that the polish is perfect for jelly sandwich manicures wher you want to see as many coats of polish as possible.

Moment lakovi su svojom cijenom od samo 9kn vrlo pristupačan Španjolski brand. Pred neko vrijeme sam recenzirala jedan plavi sa pomalo metalik finišem koji možete vidjeti na ovom linku. S njim sam bila vrlo zadovoljna za taj novac, a tako je priča i s ovime.

Vjerojatno ste primijetili kako je prstenjak nešto drugačije boje. To je zato što je na tom noktu prvo nanešen bijeli lak pa preko njega 1 sloj Moment Fluor 03. U jednom sloju tekstura nije savršena pa vjerojatno za takav efekt u kojem dobivate maksimalno živu neonsku nijansu savjetujem radije 2 sloja. Na ostalim noktima su 4 tanka sloja no još uvijek se pomalo vidi vrh nokta što je s ovakvim tipom laka gotovo neizbježno. No to znači da je lak odličan i u jelly sandwich manikurama gdje je zapravo poželjno da se vidi što više slojeva manikure.

Are you getting ready with a vibrant nail polish for the summer?

Pripremate li vi neki živi lak za ljeto?


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