Orly - Ever Burgundy


I'm showing you today a lovely burgundy shade from Orly, as the name says it - Ever Burgundy.


od Orlya vam danas donosim krasnu nijansu burgundovca kako mu i samo ime sugerira - Ever Burgundy.

I know this is more of an autumn shade, but it's actually one of universally sexy shades. The color is quite expressive and pigmented, two coats are enough for coverage. Shade has a warm shimmer dominated by golden color which you can see in close-up picture. I bought this polish from a girl on forum and I'm not sure that it's easy to get because it's from an old collection. Even swatches on-line are rare and unreliable.

Znam da je ova boja više jesenska nego ljetna, ali je zapravo univerzalna kao jedna od klasičnih seksi nijansi. Boja je vrlo izražajna i pigmentirana, 2 sloja su dovoljna za prekrivanje. Nijansa sadrži topli shimmer gdje dominira zlatna boja što možete i vidjeti na slici krupnog plana. Inače sam ovaj lak kupila od forumašice i nisam sigurna da ga je lako nabaviti zato što je iz neke dosta stare kolekcije. Čak i sami swatchevi na netu su dosta rijetki i nepouzdani.


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