Hello ladies and gentleman, if there are any gents reading this!
Since our leading blog writer and beloved boss had been quite busy last few months, I wanted to write something here for quite some time. When the cat's away, the mice will play. I hope you’ll enjoy this small and friendly takeover because I’ve got an excellent reason. It’s called Avon Naked Truth.
Pozdrav dame i gospodo, ako koji čita!
Kako je naša glavna blogerica i voljena šefica proteklih mjeseci prilično zauzeta, već dugo sam htjela ponovo nešto napisati ovdje. Kad mačke nema, miševi kolo vode. Nadam se da ćete uživati u malenom, prijateljskom preuzimanju jer imam odličan razlog za to. Zove se: Avon Naked Truth.