Essence - Night in Vegas over Anny - One and only

I love changing my manicure, so I've made the one I've reviewed in previous post more interesting by adding Essence Night in Vegas as a top coat.

Volim mijenjati manikuru, tako da sam napravila onu koju sam prethodno recenzirala zanimljivijom sa Essence Night in Vegas.

These are 2 coats, without top coat. Even in one layer the effect is great! It is very easy to apply and remove, it is not typical glitter.

Na slikama su 2 sloja, bez završnog laka. Čak u jednom sloju je vrlo efektan. Vrlo ga je lagano za nanijeti i skinuti, nije kao tipičan šljokicasti lak.

There are so many colors in this flakie! It transfers from green, through yellow until it gets to orange. Pictures doesn't do it justice, in real life effect is much stronger. It's very shiney even in shaddow.

U ovom "flejkiju" možete naići na mnoštvo boja! Preljeva se od zelene, preko žute do narančaste. Na slikama ne možete vidjeti koliko je divan, uživo je efekt puno jači, vidi se čak i u sjeni!



  1. Zanimljiva kombinacija.

  2. BOOM! I've just awarded you a Liebster Award! Check my post for details :D

    1. Thank you very much, I will check it out :)


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