Just another manic french tip manicure

Do you think that crazy colorful manicures look better on shorter nails? I do lately. Manicures that contain more than 3 or even 2 colors are just too much on longer nails. On short nails you can do basically everything and it'll look cute. Since my nails are still long I wanted to use that because, after this they're going down. :)

Mislite li da lude šarene manikure bolje izgledaju na kraćim noktima? U posljednje vrijeme ja da. Manikure koje imaju više od 3 ili čak 2 boje su mi jednostavno previše na dužim noktima. Na kratkim noktima zapravo možete napraviti sve i izgledat će slatko. Obzirom da su mi nokti još uvijek dugi, htjela sam to iskoristiti jer nakon ovoga odoše! :)

When it comes to long nails you can't go wrong with french tip manicure so I went for that. No matter what color you decide to paint, it will look elegant and interesting. This time I did something different than usual and for that I chose pink/purple... Shocking, right? :)

Kada su u pitanju dugi nokti, ne možete pogriješiti s french tipovima pa sam se odlučila na to. Bez obzira na to koju boju odlučite nalakirati, izgledat će elegantno i zanimljivo. Ovaj put sam napravila nešto drugačije nego inače i za to sam izabrala pink/ljubičasto... Šokantno, zar ne? :)

First I applied a base coat. To create a precise french tip I helped myself with a french tip guide stickers and I painted the top of the nail with one coat of wonderful purple Catrice 800 Heavy Metallilac. After it dried I repainted it with transfer foil glue and waited to become transparent. I did with transfer foil as the instructions said. The result isn't spectacular as I thought it would be. The reason could be that I'm usig the transfer foil for the first time (although it's really no big deal) or the transfer foil failed. In the end it doesn't really matter. It' looks cute and at first you won't see all the mistakes that my eagle eye sees :)

Prvo sam nanijela BC. Da bih napravila precizan french tip, pomogla sam si šablonama za french tipove i prelakirala vrh nokta jednim slojem predivne ljubičaste Catrice 800 Heavy Metallilac. Nakon što se osušilo, preko toga sam nanijela ljepilo za foliju za nokte i čekala da postane prozirna. S folijom sam radila onako kako piše u uputama. Rezultat nije spektakularan kao što sam mislila da će biti. Razlog bi mogao biti taj što koristim foliju za nokte po prvi put (iako nije nikakva drama) ili je folija zakazala. Na kraju nije ni bitno. Izgleda slatko i na prvu nećete vidjeti sve greške koje vidi moje oko sokolovo. :)

Nail transfer foil is also Essence but it can't be bought any more. This was a TE Nails in Style. I sealed everything with Poshe TC. I guess I can afford to ruin the color at the bottom of the nail since there's no color at all. :) There, I found the way to spend those two bottles of Poshe that I bought and that's another + to french tip manicures.

Folija za nokte je isto Essence, ali ne može se više kupiti. To je bila TE Nails in Style. Sve sam dovršila Poshe TC-om. Mislim da si mogu priuštiti da uništim boju u dnu nokta obzirom da tamo boje i nema. :) Eto, našla sam način da potrošim te dvije bočice Poshea koje sam kupila pa je to još jedan + french tip manikurama.  

So what do you think? What manicures suit better longer nails? Something crazy and colorful or something a bit more subtle?

Što vi mislite? Koje manikure bolje pristaju dužim noktima? Nešto ludo i šareno ili nešto suptilnije?

Hope you like it! :* till next post!

Nadam se da vam se sviđa! :* do sljedećeg posta!


  1. manikura je divna!

  2. Divno!
    Žao mi je što kratiš nokte, baš su lijepi ovako :)

    1. hvala! to mi je ljetna politika - jednom sam na moru bila dugih noktiju i nikad više :) narast će opet!

  3. Divno!!! Ja sam kod francuske manikure za sve boje, osim za bijelu :D To mi je nekak preozbiljno i presvečano..

    1. i bijela je ok... ako se doradi još koješta! :)

  4. Anonymous07 July, 2013

    Iets gorgeous. I love French manicure! I have a pink one right now :-).

  5. I love the purple on the tips! That is so my style.


  6. baš lijepo izgleda! zadnja fotka je posebno mljac :)

    1. hvala :) nakon fotkanja ja ubrala i poludila, toliko je kiselo da su mi oči otišle u X :)


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