My very first skittlette manicure

This kind of manicure bacame very popular lately. I hesitated for a while now to do something like that because I always had something else in mind and I was sure that other girls can do it whey better than me. Sometimes I have trouble deciding what nail polish to wear and I can't imagine picking three or four of them at once. All these colors should also look awesome together and that's a bit too much for me. But this time I decided to break the ice and to do my very first skittlette manicure. Theme nails contest made me. :)

Ovakav tip manikure je postao vrlo popularan u posljednje vrijeme. Dugo sam oklijevala napraviti nešto takvo jer sam uvijek imala nešto drugo na pameti, a i bila sam sigurna da druge cure to mogu napraviti puno bolje od mene. Katkad imam problem odlučiti koji lakić ću nalakirati i ne mogu zamisliti da odlučujem odjednom o 3 ili 4 boje koje uz to još trebaju izvrsno izgledati skupa. To je ipak malo previše za mene, ali ovaj put sam odlučila probiti led i napraviti svoju prvu skittlette manikuru. Natjerao me natječaj za tematske nokte. :)

Marta form ChitChatNails was the one who invented this kind of manicure and here she described the rules of a skittlette manicure. Some girls say that only two nails done the same way create a skittlette... Possible, but this time I have done it Marta's way. Not exactly by the rules but the form meets them... Somewhere! :)

Marta s bloga ChitChatNails je osoba koja izmislila ovakav tip manikure i ovdje je opisala pravila skittlette manikure. Neke cure kažu da su potrebna samo dva ista nokta da bi nastao skittlette... Moguće, no ja sam ovaj put radila na Martin način. Nisam se striktno držala pravila, ali forma zadovoljava... Donekle! :)

In the sun
Na suncu
So, I used Eveline Diamond Hard BC, Maybelline 51 French white (2 coats), Essence 04 The dawn is broken (TE Vampire's love - 2 coats), Gabrini 325 (1 coat), Essence BTGN TC and some small round silver studs. Ruffian nails are freehanded, but my point fingers and my thumbs are done with a little help from duct tape. My bad, it would be a lot better if I did that freehanded too. The thing is, I bought new duct tape and we haven't clicked at first. It looked a bit messy but I fixed everything as much as I could with a white tip painter - freehanded ofcourse. :) Next time it'll be better, I'm sure of it.

Dakle, koristila sam Eveline Diamond Hard BC, Maybelline 51 French white (2 sloja), Essence 04 The dawn is broken (TE Vampire's love - 2 sloja), Gabrini 325 (1 sloj), Essence BTGN TC i nekoliko malih okruglih srebrnih zakovica. Ruffian je napravljen slobodnom rukom, ali kažiprst i palac su napravljeni uz malu pomoć samoljepljive vrpce. Moja greška, bilo bi puno bolje da sam i to odradila slobodnom rukom. Radi se o tome da sam kupila novu samoljepljivu vrpcu i nisam se našla s njom na prvu. Izgledalo je pomalo neuredno, ali popravila sam sve koliko sam mogla bijelim tip painterom - slobodnom rukom, naravno. :) Sljedeći će put biti bolje, sigurna sam.

Na zatvorenome
How do you like skittlette manicures? Do you find them interesting or do you prefer your nails done the same way?

Kako se vama sviđaju skittlette manikure? Jesu li vam zanimljive ili više volite da su vam svi nokti jednaki?

In the shade
U haldovini
I can't say I'm happy with the result but It's OK. It could turn up worse. :) The color combo isn't what I expected but at least I was trying to be neat. It's my first, don't be too harsh on me! :)

Ne mogu reći da sam sretna rezultatom, ali je OK. Moglo je biti i gore. :) Kombinacija boja nije ono što sam očekivala, ali barem sam se trudila da bude uredno. To mi je prva pa ne budite prestrogi! :)

At sunset
Na zalasku sunca
Still hope you like it! :* till next post!

Ipak se nadam da vam se sviđa! :* do sljedećeg posta!


  1. Love your skitlette. It's a good combination of colors.

  2. Replies
    1. Hvala! A gdje si ti??? :/

    2. evo me, stabiliziram se pomalo, sad me se nećeš moć riješit :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Divotica :D Što više gledam, više mi se sviđa :) :)

  5. Meni je jako lijepo, čak mi je i odabir boja dobar!

    1. Obzirom da je dosta vremena već prošlo, kako sada gledam nokte i meni se počela kombinacija boja sviđati! Hvala :)


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