Kako očistiti nokte kada lak ostavi mrlje / Cleaning polish stains from nails

After I typed this post and sung praises to Avon's Teal Glitter, I was greatly surprised. It was time to change manicure so I got to the task of taking the polish off. Since it is a sandy with bunch of glitter, I didn't even try to do it the usual way and went straight to the aluminum foil method instead. Also, because of the before mentioned glitter I left the foil somewhat longer than the standard four to five minutes and when I started to take it off, boy, was there something to see. Avon colored my nails blue. Left hand nails weren't so bad so I shrugged and went on to install foil on my right hand. When the soaking was done and I started to remove foil of my right hand, I was a little worried. My nails looked like I was a Smurf. In case you think I overreacted, I submit the following photos as exhibit A.

Nakon što sam natipkala ovaj post i pošteno pohvalila Avonac Teal glitter, dočekalo me iznenađenje svjetskih razmjera. Bilo je vrijeme za promijeniti manikuru pa sam se uhvatila skidanja Avonca. Obzirom da je sandić s brdo glittera u pitanju, nisam ni pokušavala lak skidati regularnim putem, nego sam odmah prionula sistemu s alufolijom. Isto tako, zbog već spomenutog brda glittera, folije sam ostavila da rade svoje nešto duže od standarnih 4-5 minuta i kada sam ih počela skidati, oči su mi ispale. Avonac mi je skroz pofarbao noke u plavo. Nokti na lijevoj ruci i nisu bili tako strašni pa sam samo slegnula ramenima i prešla na instaliranje folija na desnu ruku. Kada je proces namakanja bio gotov i kada sam počela s desne ruke skidati folije, malo sam se zabrinula. Nokti su izgledali kao da sam štrumpf. Kako ne biste pomislili da pretjerujem, prilažem fotke kao dokaz.

I knew some of that blue will come off, but I still made peace with the fact that next few manicures will have to be with dark colors. :) Luckily, it all went off. I applied tooth paste on my brush that I usually use for scrubbing my nails after removing a manicure. It's some whitening tooth paste but nothing special or expensive. It just says 'whitening' but it's questionable how much it actually whitens the teeth. :) I used the amount that I usually use for brushing my teeth. Over it I put some baking powder (if I didn't have that, I'd use classic soda powder) and started scrubbing my nails. I wasn't aggressive, I did everything as usual. And that's all. I repeated the procedure on the other hand with additional tooth paste and baking powder and here are the results.

Znala sam da će dio tog plavetnila sigurno sići, ali sam se svejedno pomirila s tim da će sljedećih nekoliko lakiranja noktiju biti isključivo u tamnije boje. :) Srećom, otišlo je sve! Na četkicu kojom inače oribam nokte nakon skidanja svake manikure, istisnula sam pastu za zube. Radi se o nekoj za izbjeljivanje zubi, ali ništa specijalizirano niti skupo. Jednostavno na njoj piše 'whitening', ali koliko zapravo izbjeljuje zube, diskutabilno je. :) Količina koju sam istisnula je ona kao da perem zube. Preko paste sam posula prašak za pecivo (da nisam imala to, stavila bih sodu bikarbonu) i počela ribati nokte. Ništa jako napadno niti agresivno, nego kao da čistim nokte nakon skidanja bilo koje manikure. I to je bilo sve. Za nokte druge ruke sam ponovila postupak s dodatnim istiskivanjem paste i praškom za pecivo i evo rezultata.

It looked awful, and it went off quickly and easily. After this, I think I won't flinch from a polish that 'ruins' nails this way. If I can use foil for all sandy and glitter polishes, why wouldn't I get rid of residual coloration this way? It must be less of a strain for the nails to clean them this way then soaking them in acetone. :)

Have you tried this cleaning technique?

Koliko je strašno izgledalo, a zapravo je otišlo vrlo brzo i bez ikakvih poteškoća. Nakon ovoga, mislim da me više neće sputavati nikakve govorancije o lakovima koji na ovakav način 'unište' nokat. Realno, ako mogu za sve sandiće i glitteraste lakove stavljati folije na nokte, zašto ne bih i pofarbanost rješavala na ovakav način? Svakako je manje opterećujuće od natapanja noktiju i kožice acetonom. :)

Jeste probali ovu tehniku čišćenja noktiju od mrlja?

;* until the next post!

;* do sljedećeg posta!


  1. teal glitter ti je ovako obojao nokte O.o
    meni nije, jesi stavila bazu? never mind, bitno da je pasta poslužila :D

    1. Stavila sam bezu kao i uvijek. Nikada je ne preskačem!

  2. Yes I have tried and it works like a charm! Some polishes stain so much :-(


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