Nail polish fix up


My name is Nessy. From last November I translate and edit this blog. I hope you’re satisfied with how I do it. I’m not a huge nail polish buff and my collection counts about ten of them, and only the classic ones in permanent collection. So I can’t possibly join team of authors of this blog on a regular basis. However, my love of written word forms short texts on the subject of nail polish more and more and with Illy’s permission, I’d like to share it with you. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

Our grandmas knew that nail polish isn’t to be used only on your nails. Time has gone by that we had to fix runs in our silk stockings with transparent nail polish, especially since quality nail polish is more expensive than your average nylons but the idea of using nail polish in a different way than you’re supposed to stuck.


Moje ime je Nessy. Od prošlog studenog prevodim i lektoriram ovaj blog. Nadam se da ste zadovoljni time. Nisam fanatik lakova za nokte i moja kolekcija ih broji tek desetak i to klasičnih u stalnom postavu. Stoga se ne mogu pridružiti autorskom timu ovog bloga na redovnoj bazi. No kako se moja ljubav prema pisanoj riječi sve više oblikuje i u formi kratkih tekstova na temu lakova za nokte, uz Illyno dopuštenje, podijelila bih je i s vama. Nadam se da ćete uživati čitajući koliko sam ja pišući ovaj tekst.

Još su naše bake znale da se lak za nokte ne koristi samo na noktima. Vrijeme je prošlo da moramo popravljati čarape prozirnim lakom za nokte, pogotovo kad je kvalitetan lak za nokte skuplji od prosječnih čarapa, ali ideja o korištenju laka na drugačiji način od predviđenog je ostala.

Joking on my dear friend and owner of this blog’s expense, Illy, that I just might use her nail polish collection to paint a fence we both concluded that it would be a sin. It might be the most upbeat and most interesting fence in the neighbourhood, but presumably quite controversial as well.

The whole idea fell into oblivion until I recently visited Sombor in my beloved high heels. Shoes, of course, have polished heels that absolutely love to fall into those narrow holes between concrete cubes that the centre of the city is paved with. The city is gorgeous and I can recommend going there if for nothing else then for food, and I don’t resent it at all for ruining my heels.

That conjured into my mind various ideas of how to repair my shoes. I perfectly expect scornful eyes pointed in my direction for not placing my beloved pair of heels into capable hands of a shoemaker, but I’m always willing to try to do something on my own to fix things.

Šaleći se na račun drage prijateljice i vlasnice ovog bloga, Illy, kako bih njenom kolekcijom lakova za nokte mogla obojiti cijelu ogradu, zaključile smo da bi takav pothvat bio grijeh. Bila bi to svakako najvedrija i najzanimljivija ograda u susjedstvu, ali i vrlo kontroverzna pretpostavljam.

Cijela ideja je pala u zaborav dok nisam pred koji dan u dragim štiklama posjetila Sombor. Štikle, dakako, imaju lakirane pete koje naprosto obožavaju propasti u one uske rupe između betonskih kocki kojima je popločen centar grada. Grad je prekrasan i mogu preporučiti odlazak tamo ako ni radi čega drugog, onda radi hrane i uopće mu ne zamjeram uništavanje mojih štikli.

To je dozvalo u mozak razne ideje o popravljanju štikli. Očekujem prezrive poglede jer omiljene štikle nisam dala u ruke vještom postolaru no uvijek sam sklona prvo pokušati sama nešto učiniti.

Original idea involved painting them with waterproof black paint or acrylic varnish, but standing there in a cheap clothes store that sell equally cheap cosmetics on their counter and looking at a black nail polish that I previously didn’t own, I realised that it wouldn’t cost much to try. Few minutes later and about a euro in my wallet less I became proud owner of a tool that should be used to repair the scratches on glossy finished heels of my shoes: 7ml Academy of Colour Nail Polish – schwarz (German for black.)

Originalna ideja je uključivala farbanje vodootpornom crnom bojom ili pak akrilnim lakom, no stojeći u dućanu jeftinom odjećom koji na pultu ima jednako tako jeftinu kozmetiku i gledajući u crni lak za nokte kojem do tada nisam bila vlasnica, shvatila sam da me pokušaj ne bi koštao puno. Par minuta poslije i 8kn u novčaniku manje postala sam ponosna vlasnica alata koji je trebao poslužiti popravljanju ogrebotina na lakiranim crnim petama: 7ml Academy of Colour Nail Polish – schwarz (njem. crno).

Used tool / Korišteni alat

The procedure consists of cleaning the shoes, polishing the unevenness with a soft file so that chipped pieces of plastic don’t stick out, but also carefully not to remove unscratched varnish from heels, and lastly, applying a fair amount of polish in a single, thick coat and drying for some time.

Procedura je uključivala čišćenje cipela, brušenje neravnina mekanom turpijom tako da komadići plastike ne vire ali i da brušenjem ne uklonim ispravni dio laka te naposljetku nanošenjem obilne količine laka u jednom prilično debelom sloju i dugotrajnim sušenjem.

End result / Kako je ispalo

I must admit that I’m quite content with how the common black nail polish fit in with varnished base of my heels and this most certainly won’t be the last time I fix them this way. For other kind of heels I’ll have to develop different ways to fix them because nail polish is too glossy for unvarnished heels.

Priznajem, jako sam zadovoljna time kako se najobičniji crni lak za nokte uklopio u lakiranu podlogu peta na štiklama i ovo sigurno neće biti zadnji puta da ih popravljam na ovaj način. Za druge vrste peta ću očito trebati pronaći druge načine popravka ogrebotina jer je lak previše sjajan za nelakirane pete.

Do you have a story on how nail polish fit in somewhere else besides your nails?

Until next reading!

Imate li vi priče o tome kako se lak za nokte lijepo uklopio negdje osim na vaše nokte?

Do čitanja!


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