Golden Rose - Jolly Jewels 113


Winter is far behind us but maybe for some reason you're still feeling festive? In any case I'm bringing you a nail polish that's perhaps a bit more appropriate for winter holydays, but you can wear it whenever you feel cheerful, all year long.


Zima je već daleko iza nas ali možda nekog još uvijek drži blagdansko raspoloženje? U svakom slučaju donosim lak koji je možda prigodniji za zimske blagdane, ali se može nositi kad god se osjećate nešto veselije tokom čitave godine.

Golden Rose 113 is a nail polish composed of two kinds of glitter in somewhat jelly pink base, but still opaque in two coats. The smallest glitter is golden, hexagons are orange, and so with pink they form a gentle, but still jolly combination. If you've got a nail polish from Jolly Jewels collection that you like, you'll probably like this one too.

Golden Rose 113 je lak sastavljen od 2 vrste šljokica u pomalo jelly rozoj bazi, no ipak je neproziran u 2 sloja. Najmanje šljokice su zlatne boje, a heksagoni su narančasti, pa skupa sa rozom tvore nježnu, a opet vrlo veselu kombinaciju. Ako imate neki lak iz Jolly Jewels kolekcije koji volite, vjerojatno ćete voljeti i ovaj.


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