Nail art - Sephora piano


Nail art on this blog follows "Long time no see". I'm bringing something simple but powerful - piano contrast in 2 Sephora shades.


Nail art na ovom blog je sada već priča iz davnih dana. Ipak, odlučila sam se danas za post o jednostavnoj, no snažnoj maknikuri inspiriranoj tipkama klavijatura.

On my pointer and index finger I've applied Sephora Dragee - nude transparent shade.

Na kažiprstu i prstenjaku nalazi se prozirna nude nijansa imena Sephora Dragee.

Middle and small fingers are contrasted with black base with silver glitter shade named Sephora Black Strass.

Srednji i mali prst sam obojala u kontrasnu nijansu. Radi se o Sephora Black Strass, laku crne baze sa srebrnim šljokicama.


1 comment:

  1. love how rich they look


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