Saran wrap manicure

Hi guys!

Thanks to dear Illy and her invite to join her blog, I have an opportunity to hang out with you and show you some of my manicures. I've never blogged in my life, so please don't resent me if I make some mistakes.
Today I'll be showing you saran wrap manicure, as the title says. Saran wrap is a technique I picked up reading some foreign nail blogs, and it's very simple but effective. You can see a tutorial right here

Pozdrav svima!
Zahvaljujući pozivnici koju mi je uputila draga Illy, imat ću priliku družiti se s vama i pokazati vam pokoju manikuru. Nikad nisam blogala pa ne zamjerite eventualnu grešku u koracima.
Danas je na redu tzv. saran wrap, kao što naslov kaže. Saran wrap je jedna od tehnika koju sam 'pokupila' na stranim blogovima, jako je jednostavna, a efektna. Tutorial možete vidjeti na slijedećoj adresi

Here are the polishes I used:
basecoat: Eveline Diamond hard
polishes: Gabrini Summer edition M114 (undies) + Gabrini Matte nails 397 (topper)
topcoat: Essence Better than gel nails

Lakovi koje sam koristila su slijedeći:
baza: Eveline Diamond hard
lakovi: Gabrini Summer edition M114 + Gabrini Matte nails 397
nadlak: Essence Better than gel nails

Here are a few more photos I managed to get with my Iphone. It's camera isn't that great, and cloudy weather we have here these last few days didn't help photo quality either. :)

Evo još nekoliko fotki koje sam uspjela uhvatiti Iphoneom.

'till the next post, bye!

Čitamo se!

Šiška :)


  1. Love that effect, it reminds me of marble.

  2. thanks mirtochka, evie and erica :)

  3. Bravo prijo, svaka čast! Keep up the good work :)
    Prekokrasni nokti

  4. This is so pretty! I've been wanting to try this for quite sometime and still hadn't found the time to try.

    BTW, just done following you. ;)

    Keep rockin'


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