Max factor - Pretty in pink

Summer has not come to it's end, but it's going on a while, so why not change your strong colored shades with something else that is also great for summer but brings another dose of freshness to your usual manicure? This shade might just be the one for that.
Max Factor's Pretty in pink is not really pink, but fresh pastel peach color.

Ljeto još nije završilo, no toliko dugo traje da bi dobro došle promjene da ga malo osvježe. Što kažete na promjenu jakih boja u neku svježiju nijansu? Ovaj lak bi baš mogao biti to što će donijeti tu promjenu, sitnu ali bitnu :)
Max Factor-ov Pretty in pink lak zapravo nije roze boje, kako bi po imenu zaključili. Boja ovog laka je nježna pastelna breskva.

There is no shimmer in this shade, it is lovely cream polish. Only thing I don't like about this polish is that it comes in such little bottle! 5mL is really small amount for a nail polish.

Tekstura laka je kremasta, nema nikakvog shimmera. Jedina stvar koja mi se ne sviđa u ovog laka je njegova količina. Mislim da je 5mL zaista premala količina laka za nokte. Svoj sam kupila na akciji 1+1 u Mulleru, a inače ga možete naći u svim drogerijama.

With flash /S blicom:

Hope you liked my choice for fresing up the summer!

Nadam se da vam se svidio moj izbor za osvježenje ljeta!


  1. wow! amazing nail polishes!

  2. Such a nice shade :)

  3. Obožavam takve nježne pastelne nijanse ;) Prekrasno ti stoji :)


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