Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 105

Hi darlings!
It's been so long since my last post, I'm sorry about that, and I promise I'll do my best to shorten that period.
Today I'll be showing you one of my recent buys, GR Jolly Jewels 105. I absolutely LOVE this polish, it's so much fun to wear, and I got so many compliments when I was wearing it.
Pozdrav drage moje!
Jako mi je žao što je opet prošlo milijun dana od mog posljednjeg posta, ali na sto strana sam. Em radim, em  se borim sa zadnjim ispitima, em pišem diplomski, i još par sitnica uz to. Dat ću sve od sebe da češće postam, obećajem.
Danas ću vam pokazati jednog od mojih nedavno kupljenih ljepotana, GR Jolly Jewels 105. Ovaj lak obožavam, prelijep je i prezabavan, a usput ne škodi to što sam dobila gomilu komplimenata kad sam ga nosila.

Few words about the polish: JJ 105 is a green and purple glitter in a lilac base. Amazing.
I've used a lilac polish as a base (1 layer) under 2 layers of JJ, but I think you could get complete opacity even without it. Glitter easily transmits to nails, and it also removes easily if you know the trick (polish remover and aluminum foil). It's not lumpy when on the nails, but I used a topcoat out of habit.
About the durability, it passed my hardest test. My summer job requires my hands to be in cold water, ice and sliced fruit all day, and this little hero didn't chip at all for three days, and then I took it off. That's a success in my book.
Par riječi o laku: JJ 105 je zeleni i ljubičasti glitter u lila bazi. Divno nešto.
Kao bazu sam koristila lila krem lak u 1 sloju ispod 2 sloja JJ-a, ali mislim da bi se potpuna prekrivenost mogla postići i bez nje. Glitter se jednostavno prenosi na nokat, a također se jednostavno i odstranjuje ako koristite trik s folijom. Finalna manikura nije grbava, ali ja sam topcoat stavila čisto iz navike, da malo izgladi cijelu priču.
Što se tiče trajnosti, prošao je moj najteži test. Dakle, moj ljetni posao zahtijeva od mojih ruku stalni boravak u hladnoj vodi, ledu i narezanom voću, a ovaj mali junak se nije chipnuo nijednom u cijela tri dana (a onda sam ga skinula). Ja to pišem kao uspjeh.
Jolly Jewels liniju lakova možete kupiti u Golden rose dućanima i na njihovim štandovima, a za cijenu od 34 kn dobijete 10,8ml ljepote.

Polishes I used/lakovi koje sam koristila:
Basecoat/Topcoat: Eveline diamond nails/Essence BTGN
Polishes: Gabrini Summer edition M110 as a base + Golden rose Jolly Jewels 105

Before I log out here's a few more photos.
Prije pozdrava još par sličica.

'till the next time, bye!
Čitamo se!



  1. Super je! Moram jedan GR iz ove kolekcije da kupim, jako su mi lepi.

  2. Anonymous20 June, 2013

    Odlična kombinacija boja i šljokica :)

  3. That is so pretty! You have the best polish!

  4. Ooooh, it's so pretty!! This Jolly jewels line is awesome!

  5. aaaaaw, thanks girls! :)


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